• Delhi Ophthalmological Society

DOS Memeber Benefits

Become a member of the Delhi Ophthalmological Society

With a total membership of over 10966 members, the Delhi Ophthalmological Society is one of the largest state ophthalmic societies in the world. The hallmark of our society is the excellent academics in the form of regular academic programmes which includes the following

DOS monthly clinical meetings (I–IX)

Winter Conference

Sub-specialty Meetings [DOS-Enhanced Subspecialty Korner (DESK)

DOS teaching Programme (DOST)

International DOS Conference (i-DOS) [Biennial]

Annual Conference

Member Benefits of Delhi Ophthalmological Society

Free Access

Access to Digital Directory of Members

Access to past issues of DOS Times & DJO

Access to hundreds of hours of surgical videos, talk and recordings of past conferences, workshop and meetings

Free Access to full text articles of numerous international journals through OVID available at the DOS ONLINE Library


Attend DOS Teaching Programme for PG Students (DOST is a structured resident training module)

Travel Fellowships: National & International Travel Grants

Receive Digital Directory of Members


DOS Times [Bulletin Magazine (published once in two months )]

DJO [ Scientific Journal ( published quarterly )]


Discounted registration fees for National and other conferences of DOS

For any further queries :

Dr. Prafulla Kumar Maharana

Secretary- Delhi Ophthalmological Society

A-23, 1st Floor, Green Park Main,

New Delhi – 110016, Delhi, INDIA

Email : admin@dosonline.org

+91 7042255968 Latest News Update Profile